Teacher Charlie's news and adventures from the world; Korea to Germany and all points in between!

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Dreamers are the Architects of Greatness

They are the
architects of greatness. Their vision
lies within their souls. They never see
the mirages of Fact, but peer beyond
the veils and mists of doubt and pierce
the walls of unborn Time.

Makers of empire, they have fought for
bigger things than crowns and higher
seats than thrones.
They are the Argonauts, the seekers of
the priceless fleece--The Truth.
Through all the ages they have heard
the voice of destiny call to them from
the unknown vasts.

Their brains have wrought all human
miracles. In lace of stone their spires
stab the Old World's skies and with
their golden crosses kiss the sun.

They are the chosen few--the blazers of
the way--who never wear a doubt's
bandage on their eyes--who starve and
chill and hurt, but hold to courage and
to hope, because they know that there
is always proof of truth for them who
try--that only cowardice and lack of
faith can keep the seeker from his
chosen goal, but if his heart be strong
and if he dream enough and dream it
hard enoudh, he can attain, no matter

where men failed before.

Walls crumble and the empires fall.
The tidal wave sweeps from the sea and
tears a fortress from its rocks. The
rotting nations drop off Time's bough,
and only things the dreamers make live

They are the Eternal Conquerors--their
vassels are the years.


Herbert Kaufmam

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