Teacher Charlie's news and adventures from the world; Korea to Germany and all points in between!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wings of Evolution - India's Siragu Montessori School

Wings of EvolutionWings of Evolution is a film which revolves around the revolutionary educational system of Siragu Montessori School, a school for homeless and underprivileged children, located in the remote outskirts of Chennai in Tamil Nadu, India.

For a long time, the focus of education in India has been one of compulsive learning procedures, rote learning and examination-based evaluation with no emphasis on children’s understanding of concepts, critical thinking and implications in real life.

Siragu Montessori School, in spite of limited resources and unimaginable obstacles has maintained a quality program, free for those who attend.

Moreover, the Documentary film also focuses on bringing together children from around the world, through a world-wide postcard sharing workshop where children from around the world share thoughts, exchange ideas and promote cultural diversity, global peace and understanding towards building a better tomorrow.

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