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Friday, August 06, 2010

ASEAN-Chinese education ministers meet

August 04, Aug 04, 2010 (Asia Pulse Data Source via COMTEX) --

Vietnam?s Education and Training Minister Pham Vu Luan is in Guiyang,the capital of the southwestern Chinese province of Guizhou, for thefirst ASEAN-China Education Ministers? Conference and the thirdASEAN-China Education Cooperation Week from August 1-5.

After theopening ceremony on August 3, Minister Luan chaired the conference,which focuses on stepping up exchanges, raising community awareness andpromoting regional development.

The participants will also discuss how to boost cooperation in education between ASEAN member countries and China .

Theconference?s success will contribute to promoting cooperation ineducation between ASEAN and China and between Vietnam and Chinain particular, Minister Luan told a Vietnamese News Agencycorrespondent.

He said that cooperation in education and trainingbetween ASEAN and China will increase understanding, friendship andsolidarity between the participating countries as well as improve thequality of human resources training, which will help to develop theeconomy, trade, services, scientific research and ensure peace andstability in the region.

Earlier, on August 2, Minister Luan hadseparate meetings with his counterparts from China , Laos , Cambodia ,Singapore , Myanmar and the Philippines .

The ASEAN-ChinaEducation Ministers? Conference was one of the major initiativesproposed by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao at the fourth East Asia Summit inThailand in October last year.

It is the highest-level international meeting in the field of education under the framework of China-ASEAN cooperation.

Theannual China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week was launched in 2008. Theproject aims to promote mutual understanding among young people andfurther cooperation between educational establishments, as well aspushing forward a common economic and cultural road to development.

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