Teacher Charlie's news and adventures from the world; Korea to Germany and all points in between!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Ordro releases HD camcorder with pico projector

By Bridget Borgobello

10:56 August 11, 2010

Ordro HDV-350S camcorder with in-built pico-projector

Ordro HDV-350S camcorder with in-built pico-projector

We've seen pico-projectors in mobile phones, point-and-shoot cameras and pocket camcorders, but this is the first time we've seen one added to a conventional camcorder. Little known Chinese brand Ordro's offering – the HDV-350S – captures up to 1080p video at 60 fps or 12 megapixel still pictures, features 10x optical zoom and includes a removable pico-projector with a Texas instruments- chip DLP which throws a WVGA (854x480) resolution image with a brightness of 15 lumens... according to Ordro that's good enough for a 60-inch projection.

The HDV-350S is also equipped with 3” touch LCD screen, two built-in SD slots plus 128 MB of built-in memory and HDMI out.

The 1080p video isn't as wide is we've become accustomed to – 1440x1080p as opposed to 16:9 ratio 1920x1080. Given that the camera has a 10.0 MP CMOS sensor, we assume the 12 megapixel still images quoted in the specs involve some degree of interpolation.

Like the Samsung's Galaxy Beam Smart Projector Phone and Nikon's COOLPIX S1000pj, we can definitely see the value in having a projector in-tow when you're out and about capturing digital images. Just imagine how easy it would be, at a flick of a switch you can have your home movies projected onto your living room wall for all of your friends and family to see. It's very likely that this isn't the last we'll see of pico-projector add-ons being offered in the camcorder market.

The HDV-D350S is now available for sale US$550 directly from Ordro with free US shipping or $750 from amazon.com. Via PicoProjector-Info

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