Teacher Charlie's news and adventures from the world; Korea to Germany and all points in between!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms

This animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA's Benjamin Franklin award.
For more information on Sir Ken's work visit: http://www.sirkenrobinson.com

Comments from ZeroHedge


This is a follow up to yesterday's post comparing the Eastern and Western "mind set." It is an excellent presentation reflecting the concept of a "Whole New Mind" that I have mentioned several times in the comment threads. What Sir Ken Robinson is advocating is a greater emphasis on right brain lobe or lateral, conceptual, divergant and artistic forms of thinking as opposed to merely emphasizing linear or left brain thinking.

In the book "A Whole New Mind," Daniel Pink explores the economic implications of this shift. It is germane to this week's news chatter because Pink proposes that this type of holistic approach is the key to meeting the economic challenges (the three AAAs) facing the United States in the so called "conceptual age": Asia, abundance and automation.

Pink proposes that the questions we should all be asking ourselves in considering our pursuits (career or otherwise) are as follows: Can it be easily replicated in Asia or elsewhere. Can it be automated. Is it already abundant. He then explores how various artistic or "right lobe" modes of thinking can provide a means for greater personal and career fulfillment.

This is not a pile of New Age mumbo jumbo.

In my opinion, seriously thinking about these kinds of "right lobe" approaches is much more productive than lamenting the twilight of American global influence or complaining about the rise of China Inc.

Our diversity and ability to adapt to changing circumstances is our primary asset. One of my favorite movies is Apollo 13, in particular the scene where the engineers have to take a pile of junk and apply thier creative juices to figuring out how to save the spacecraft.

Those of you who are parents should find all of this to be of great interest.

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