Teacher Charlie's news and adventures from the world; Korea to Germany and all points in between!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tonle Sap Floating School

In the heart of Cambodia is the Tonle Sap lake. The lake expands and contracts to a vast extent according to the rainy or dry season. Many people live on this lake and make their sustenance as they have done for hundreds of years by fishing. Close to Siem Reap at the northern end of the lake there is a community of fisherman that live in a "floating village".

While traveling through Cambodia Sean and I visited this village and their "Floating School" to make a donation of school supplies.

In Cambodia, children attend school for half-day sessions, either in the morning or in the afternoon, The classroom in the floating school seemed to hold only about 1/4 of the students at a time. The other students were enjoying themselves on the floating dock which served as their playground.

We were told by our boat driver that the teacher made about 10 cents a day.
Children not in school are enlisted by their elders to beg from foreigners, often with the prop of a local critter.

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